

※体験レッスンのご受講は、 本科:講師空き状況画面(ここをクリック)で空き枠がある講師で体験することをお勧めします。
注意1:体験レッスンをご予約される中学生以上の方は、「GO Secondary担当可」または「GO Secondaryのみ担当」と記載されている先生を選んでご予約ください。
注意2:本科振替レッスンご予約時には、所属しているコースを担当する先生を選んでご予約ください。例)GO Secondaryコースの方→「GO Secondary担当可」または「GO Secondaryのみ担当」
注意3:無料体験期間は、会員登録から2週間以内です。ご事情により期間延長を希望する場合は、事務局 goschool@bbt757.comにご連絡ください。

    Ms Sidney(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello there! I am Ms. Sidney, and welcome to GO School! I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. Since I was a kid I always dreamt of becoming a teacher. I always ask questions and I like to talk. At home, I have three nieces. I like playing with them and teaching them things about school. My heart melts every time they learn something from me, even if it’s a simple one. It feels so good every time I teach. I have been teaching English as a Secondary Language for almost a year now here in the Philippines. With the experience, it excites me to meet you too! Let’s have an adventure about the things around us and discover the beauty of the world through learning the English language. By doing so, you can be able to communicate well and understand the things you are about to know. So, kids! What are you waiting for? Let’s have fun and learn at the same time! I am very excited to meet you! Come and join us here in GO School!

    こんにちは!私はシドニー先生です。GO Schoolへようこそ!私は英語専攻の学士号を持っています。子供の頃から、教師になることを夢見ていました。いつも質問をたくさんして、話すのが好きです。家では、姪が3人います。彼らと遊び、学校のことを教えるのが好きです。彼らが私から何かを学ぶたびに、たとえそれが簡単なことでも、私の心は温かくなります。教えるたびにとても良い気分です。私はフィリピンで約1年間、英語を第二言語として教えています。その経験から、あなたに会えることが楽しみです!私たちは一緒に、私たちの周りのことや英語を学びながら世界の美しさを発見しましょう。そうすることで、あなたはうまくコミュニケーションがとれるようになり、知ろうとしていることを理解できるでしょう。だから、子供たち!何を待っているのですか?楽しみながら学びましょう!あなたに会えるのをとても楽しみにしています!GO Schoolに参加して一緒に楽しみましょう!

    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #英検二次試験対策コース

    Ms Happy(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hi. I'm Ms. Happy of Go School. I'm a Licensed Elementary Education teacher.
    I used to be a substitute teacher in a private school here in the Philippines. I'm a Children Ministry teacher for about 2 years now in our church. I believe that teaching is a great profession that requires patience, dedication, and commitment. As a teacher, I'm bubbly, approachable, and friendly. I love to sing and play instruments.
    Just like my name, I want you to be happy and comfortable while learning.
    Let's learn and have fun together. See you~

    こんにちは。GO Schoolのハッピーです。初等教育の教員資格を持っています。

    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #幼児におすすめ #小中学生におすすめ #初心者におすすめ #中上級者におすすめ #全学年OK!

    Ms Shiela(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello and welcome!
    My name is Ms. Shiela. I’ll be your simple but cheerful teacher here at GO School.
    I'm a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. I’ve been teaching English for 4 years now. I’m interested in watching movies and series. I also enjoy watching sports games, especially basketball and volleyball. Maybe we share the same hobbies? I’m inviting you to join me in a fun and exciting learning experience. I’m looking forward to seeing you in class!


    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #全学年OK!

    Ms Joy(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello!! I am Ms. Joy! I am a graduate of Bachelor of Education Major in General Education and a Licensed Professional Teacher. I've been a Learning Support Aide in public school for almost 3 years. Even so, I still want to experience new things and extend my knowledge. And the things I like to do are singing, dancing, and arts. I'm interested in watching some foreign movies and series. And I am a Kpop fan such as BTS, Seventeen, TXT and Enhypen. I'm passionate, joyful and a positive thinker, open to learning new things and embracing new challenges. I'm inviting you to join me in fun and exciting learning experiences. I am looking forward to seeing you in my class. Mata ne!

    こんにちは! !私はジョイです!私は教育学部教育学科を卒業し、教員免許を取得しています。公立学校でLSA教師として3年近く働いていますが、まだまだ新しいことを経験したいし、知識を増やしたいと思っています。私の好きなことは、歌、ダンス、芸術です。BTS、Seventeen、TXT、EnhypenなどのKPOPファンです。私は情熱的で、陽気で、ポジティブな思考の持ち主で、新しいことを学び、新しい挑戦を受け入れることに前向きです。私と共に楽しくエキサイティングな学習体験をしませんか?私のクラスでお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。またね!

    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #英検二次試験対策コース #GO Secondaryに対応 #全学年OK!

    Mr Steve(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello, dear students! I am Mr. Steve, and welcome to GO School! Teaching English to kids, teens, and even adults is my great passion. In fact, teaching has become a significant part of my life, thanks to the years I've spent in seminars, gaining exposure, and pursuing studies. I have earned major teaching certificates and have three years of experience teaching English as a second language.
    I'm also a sports enthusiast who loves volleyball, table tennis, basketball, and badminton. I often read historical, economic, and political books. Furthermore, I enjoy listening to music, singing, and watching interesting anime. With these interests and experiences, it is clear that I'm passionate about connecting teaching ideas with our daily lives.
    So, what are you waiting for? Let me help you improve your English skills and communication through our lessons here! Together, let's take steps toward global competence by learning English in my class! See you soon, dear students!

    生徒の皆さん、こんにちは!私はミスター・スティーブ、ようこそGO Schoolへ!子供、ティーン、そして大人に英語を教えることは、私の大きな情熱です。実際、セミナーに参加し、経験を積み、勉強を続けてきたおかげで、教えることは私の人生の重要な一部となっています。主要な教員免許を取得し、第二外国語として英語を教えた経験も3年あります。

    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #英検二次試験対策コース

    Ms Mex(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello!! I am Ms. Mex! I am a graduate of Bachelor of Education and a Licensed Professional Teacher. I've been in a private school for 1 year. Even so, I still want to extend my experience and knowledge. During my free time, I like to watch English movies and travel. I'm flexible, outgoing, friendly and easy to deal with. I really love teaching because teaching is my passion. I like to impart my knowledge and share my learnings to my students. I would make sure that every class is full of fun and learning at the same time. I hope to see you in one of my classes. Thank you!



    Ms Rez(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello! My name is Ms Rez of GO School, your kid-friendly teacher!
    I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics and a Licensed Professional Teacher. I have taught in a small private elementary school for a year.
    I am outgoing, resourceful, optimistic and most of all, adventurous! You heard that right! I love adventures! I also like playing Ukulele while singing, playing frisbee and cooking. I also like doing arts and crafts stuff. I would be happy to help you develop your English skills (and more!) in the most creative, innovative, fun and meaningful way. I am looking forward to having you in one of my classes soon! See you!

    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #全学年OK! #小中学生におすすめ #初心者におすすめ #中上級者におすすめ #英検二次試験対策コースに対応

    Mr Gerald(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello, everyone! Welcome to GO School! My name is Mr. Gerald, and I was born and raised in the Philippines, where English is the official language. I'm a licensed professional teacher with more than three and a half years of experience in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL). Additionally, I completed a 140-hour TESOL/TEYL certificate from TEACH International English Language School.
    My teaching style is dynamic, and I ensure that my classes are fun, engaging, and interesting. I specialize in enhancing vocabulary, pronunciation, and communication skills. I also have the ability to tailor lessons to meet each student's unique needs.
    So, what are you waiting for? Book your lesson now!

    皆さん、こんにちは!GO Schoolへようこそ!ミスター・ジェラルドです。英語が公用語のフィリピンで生まれ育ちました。第二言語としての英語(ESL)の指導経験が3年半以上あり、教員免許を取得しています。また、TEACH International English Language Schoolで140時間のTESOL/TEYL資格を取得しました。

    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #英検二次試験対策コース

    Ms Shelly(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello! I'm Ms. Shelly of GO School!
    I'm a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English and a Licensed Professional Teacher. I have been an ESL teacher for almost three years teaching young, adult and University Korean students. I would love to share my enthusiasm with the learners of GO School! I'm greatly passionate about my profession and I love helping others to improve their English. I'm thrilled about this opportunity, so I'm looking forward to seeing you in my class soon. SEE YOU~

    こんにちは。GO Schoolのシェリーです。私は、大学で英語での中等教育を専攻して、学士号と教員資格を取得しています。ESL(English as a Second Language英語以外を母国語とする人たちのための英語)の先生として、約3年間、若手社会人の方や韓国の大学生に英語を教えてきています。GO Schoolで学習する皆さんに熱意を伝えたいと思います。私はこの仕事にとてもやりがいを感じていて、他の人の英語力を改善するお手伝いをすることが大好きです。GO Schoolで教えられる機会にわくわくしています。私のクラスでお会いできるのを楽しみにお待ちします。クラスでお会いしましょう。

    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #幼児におすすめ #小中学生におすすめ #初心者におすすめ #中上級者におすすめ #全学年OK!

    Ms Che(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello, everyone! I’m Ms. Che. I have a certificate in Teaching Program, majoring in science. Currently, I am studying Public Administration for my master's degree. I have been teaching science and English for eleven years now. I'm teaching science for elementary pupils, and English for Korean and Japanese students. I'd like to add more about myself. I love to sing Japanese songs and do painting. I am also a ballet and jazz dancer. I am so excited to see you! Come on and take my class. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.


    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #全学年OK!

    Ms Rachelle(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello! I go by the name Ms. Rachelle! I am a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in English Language and I was an Online ESL (English as a Second Language) Instructor for more than three years. I am someone who is always after new learnings and discoveries. I find delight in reading books and find joy in listening to music. I also find interest in writing poems as a way for me to let out my emotions that I cannot verbalize. At times, I also bask myself in listening to podcasts or watching documentaries. But beyond these, I always make sure to do things that could further my knowledge and that could help in my growth not just as a teacher but as an individual in general. I look forward to having you in my class and I assure you that it will be one engaging and enjoyable session that you will be in.


    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #英検二次試験対策コース

    Mr Jasper(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hello, everyone! I'm Mr. Jasper. Welcome to GO School!
    I am fond of the English language, which led me to teach this language to others as well. I have a great passion for teaching kids. I have been teaching English for two years, and it was fun for me and my students. Seeing my students learn new things is always fulfilling and worthwhile.
    I love to spend my time playing sports like chess and baseball, watching anime, listening to music, and reading books. These hobbies have helped me to connect with others, especially my students.
    Whether you're a beginner or someone who seeks mastery of the English Language, I'm here to guide and support you in this one-of-a-kind language. So, are you ready to take the first step towards English fluency? Join me, and let's explore the wonders of the English language together! See you!


    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #英検二次試験対策コース

    Ms Nicole(GO Secondary担当可)

    Hi there! My name is Ms. Nicole. Pleased to meet you.
    I have extensive experience teaching ESL one-on-one and in groups using online platforms. I have been working as an ESL teacher for 6 years, and I would love to share my passion for learning English here at GO School. I love reading comic books and playing games, especially Animal Crossing and Pokemon. I also love cats, and I currently have one as a pet! If you share similar interests with me, I would be delighted if you joined me in my class.
    I believe that having a positive relationship with students will build motivation. That is why I always make sure to create a learning environment that will make my students feel encouraged and supported. With all that said, I would love to share my enthusiasm for learning English with you. I'm looking forward to having you in my class. See you!

    オンラインプラットフォームを使ってマンツーマンやグループでESLを教えた経験が豊富です。ESL教師として6年間働いており、このGO Schoolで英語を学ぶことへの情熱を分かち合いたいと思っています。漫画を読むこととゲームをすることが大好きで、特にどうぶつの森とポケモンが好きです。猫も大好きで、現在ペットとして飼っています!もし、私と同じような趣味をお持ちの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ私のクラスにご参加ください。

    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応

    Ms Andy(GO Secondary担当可)

    Learning by doing and practicing what you have learned is one way to acquire knowledge. Hi! My name is Andy. I'm a licensed teacher in Secondary Education majoring in English. I have two years of experience teaching as an elementary and secondary teacher in a conventional sit-up and four years of teaching business courses online. To enhance my knowledge in this field, I took lessons and earned a certificate in English proficiency. Now, I would be willing to guide and bring you all through learning English in a fun way. It's going to be worthwhile. See you in my class!


    #バイリンガルコースに対応 #GO Secondaryに対応 #全学年OK!

    Ms Ella (GO Secondaryのみ担当)

    Education can influence young minds into the realities of the world. This passage struck me the first time I heard it. It also helped me realize that my chosen vocation comes with great responsibility. Hi! This is Ms. Ella. I'm a licensed teacher in Secondary Education, Major in English. I've always wanted to teach so I decided to become an instructor. Before teaching at GO School, I have experience teaching English as a second language for 12 years. I'm interested in meeting people. Sharing my knowledge and expertise is something I delight in. For me teaching English is fun and I will make sure that you will not only appreciate but also enhance your English skills and generally meet your goal be inspired and learn at the same time. I hope to have you in my class. See you soon!
    「教育は、若者の心を現実の世界へ誘います。」この一節の言葉を初めて聞いた時、私は心が打たれました。私が選んだ職業には、大きな責任が伴われるものであるということも認識しました。こんにちは。エラからのメッセージです。私は中高等教育での英語専攻の教員資格を持っています。私は常に教える仕事がしたいと思っていたので、講師になりました。GO Schoolで教える前は、12年間、第二言語として英語を教える(TESOL)経験をしてきました。様々な人に会うことに興味があり、知っていることや専門知識を共有することが好きです。私にとっては、英語を教えることは楽しみであり、皆さんが英語を使ったり、英語のスキルを強化するだけでなく、刺激と学びを同時に得られる目標を達成するようにしていきます。私のクラスに参加してください。クラスで、会いましょう!

    #GO Secondaryに対応